October 8, 2012

Day 1~ VT Interior Design Student Series~ Lizz

I LOVE VT! I LOVE the Interior Design program and I know my education there is worth a lot. In fact, to me it is priceless. Why? Well there are a lot of reasons, but I am not going into that too much for this post. Instead I want to focus on some amazing girls that are Seniors this year in the program and show off what they have done. A lot of times (for the amount of work we had) I didn't feel as though our projects were shown off well enough.
The first girl I am going to brag on is Lizz. Lizz is a very hard-worker and definitely has a natural talent at design. She is president of the IDEAS (Interior Designers for Education and Sustainability) program. This is a group for our Interior Designers at VT that help us to network and learn about firms around the area, state, country and even internationally sometimes!! She runs this on top of all the other crazy tasks that come with being a design major.
Enough of the boring stuff, Lizz is a super fun girl with a very bubbly personality and could probably get along with anyone. I was able to get to know her better when we took a "field trip" to NeoCon East and Fallingwater last year. I miss her but I am sure her Senior work is superb and I bet she will get an AWESOME job offer when she graduates.
I will put in some notes so that you can understand the process of a typical design project.
(Click images to make larger and scroll through to better see the images)

Lizz's Project is called Suburban City. It is a high-end retail store in Toronto. Read about it on this concept page. One note is that Lizz created a unique logo for the name of her project which gives it a brand and keeps the layout consistent.
The next 3 pages are where Lizz pulled inspiration from. They are also important aspects to how she will later design the space. Putting this inspiration together helps us define what the space can look and feel like.

Next, Lizz shows the floor plans. These are great to show before 3D images because you can refer back to the plans and understand how to move through the space first.

Diagrams... These help us to understand the spatial relationships to one another and circulation.
This is the first rendering of the lobby. She calls out certain design elements that are unique to the space. Adding people gives the view a scale and makes it feel more realistic.

Showing this elevation gives us a better idea of the conceptual design that we cannot get from any other view.
This is another view of her space. Lizz has done a wonderful job in making the materials look very real. 
This perspective really shows off her concept.
This is an axonometric view. This type of drawing is meant to break down something to see its layers. She shows how the design can actually function.
Last but not least is her material selection. You can better see her industrial palette in this layout. 

Hope you have enjoyed Lizz's project!
Oh and I forgot to mention she is engaged!! Congrats Lizz :) You will make a beautiful bride!

Please feel free to ask any questions and I can forward them to her or maybe answer myself. And excuse our messy studio space haha. Get EXCITED for the rest of this series!

XO Samantha

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