September 8, 2015

THE gallery wall

Y'all...I don't know if its more embarrassing how long I've gone without blogging or how long my pictures and frames sat around before I hung my gallery wall? Lets just say they were both overdue.

I don't think I'll be spending hours writing blog posts anymore trying to make them "pinterest-worthy".  I have more important things to do like spend time with my husband and work on my fitness :) but I do want to give you a glimpse into whats going on around the house. Be warned: these are all phone pictures.

So I'm going to start by showing you the progression of my gallery wall. It all started with this daunting 7' x 11' wall that I had no idea what to do with. I searched high and low for a console table long enough that wouldn't break the bank. And then World Market came to my rescue and created the Everett Foyer Table. It was perfect!! Its no wonder its so popular with other bloggers because there aren't many other offerings in this size and price. AND with their sales (which they have often) + my member discounts I basically got it for nothing!

So then it was time to determine the style for my gallery wall and what I wanted it to include. Uniform or organic? Matching frames or not? Frames only or add wall decor? So many decisions!! I knew I wanted to include our wedding canvas and a mirror I got while at the beach. I also love the look of the ikea ribba frames. Once I collected all of the frames, it was time to fill them. I wanted each piece to have a special meaning so that it becomes a conversation piece when we have people over. I want to tell the stories of how each thing landed in my home.

Here is the console shortly after we got it (this is 2014 fall decor)

This mirror now resides in the guest bedroom. It was temporary until I could find another mirror for the living room.
After Christmas blah...I knew it was time!!

Artie decided to help me with the layout. I wish he could've unwrapped all the ikea frames... (p.s. the pics below that didn't make it on the gallery wall are actually going to go in our master since they are more personal)
 If I'm being honest...I didn't really measure everything out. I mostly eyeballed it. It took about 2 hours to get everything hung. That is not including cutting out templates for each frame.
 Almost finished!!

 All done...just in time for the 3 gatherings that we hosted!!

I've got a few more tweaks to make. I am going to paint that crate. (Those are Tim's records by the way. He bought a record player!) I will also probably relocate the wire basket and books so that I can center the wicker basket. And I actually bought this lamp for the guest BR so I may be switching that out. 

Well it's been a long process but so worth it!! Is there a project you are procrastinating at your house??

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