(these are in no particular order)
- Starting the Fit for Fall challenge- Time to get back into gear (Just don't read all of the food that I ate this month below. I've eaten plenty of healthy stuff too its just not worthy of talking about HAHA) AND I've got a tone it up meet up in the works. I can't wait to know more local tone it up girls!! And I'm pretty much making myself run for these charity miles but hopefully I will like it eventually....probably not.
- My parents visited. My husband and my dad had a nice bonding weekend. They went to the Dolphins v Redskins game together at the Redskins stadium. My mom and I went shopping and went to Maymont. We enjoyed lunch at Nacho Mama's in Carytown and may or may not have watched part of the game too.
- Dinner with Liz- Boo we didn't take a pic together but we sure had a nice time at the Silver Diner chatting about blogging and fitness and food (specifically Fed Up-which you should ABSOLUTELY watch if you haven't) We missed our girl Ashley but she had a good reason for missing out. Hop on over to her blog to see why!!
- Hunter Hayes concert!!! AMAZING! It was so good and the weather was perfect. Frances and I enjoyed some straw-ber-itas and sang out hearts out to Wanted and I Want Crazy!! Oh and I'm OBSESSED with his newest single- Saint or Sinner! ENJOY!
- Happy Hour -This was a happy and sad moment. Our friends Matt and Kristen were moving so we had one last hurrah to celebrate them and their new journey. We had delicious food and drinks at Bar Louie on the patio and finished off the night at Gelati Celesti (THE BEST ice cream)
- Guest Bedroom progress- I FINALLY got my shelves hung above my "new desk" I also made over those vases (pictured above). They were blue glass. Now they are "gold dipped" and I am smitten. I also got a new desk chair. Its starting to come together.
- Aunt...again?!! Ok this time I'm an "honorary" aunt. One of my best friends Olivia is expecting!!
- Virginia Bloggers meetup at Pure Barre- I had my first barre experience and got to catch up with some sweet ladies. My legs were shaking but backstreet boys kept me going. Thanks Alyssa for playing the 90's playlist!
It's hard to think that October could top September but I will be seeing Veronica soon in Oklahoma and I will have a niece soon soooo its gonna be pretty epic!!
What were the highlights of your September?