My good blog friend Bekah over @ Re-solve came up with a FANTASTIC idea!! And its BIG!! She wants to see the blogging community in the community! This will be a nationwide "blog meet up" but its no ordinary meet up. There will be a leader for each state/metro area who will be responsible for organizing a local community service event. Its going to be a great way for us to give thanks and give back!
So guess what? I am the leader for Virginia!! The event will be held in November and all bloggers are welcome (doesn't matter if you are new or a veteran blogger, a big or small blog, a fashion blog or food blog) !! After the event, we will blog about it to share our experiences with bloggers in other states and communities!!
So do you want to make a difference? (fill out this short survey so that I can contact you when we have more details)
If you are on the fence, then keep reading.
A few Sunday's ago, the music director of my church gave a guest sermon and I think it came at a great time in my life. The very end was about Jesus washing the disciples feet and saying "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." John 13:15
She ended on a question: What do you do to help others? I started to really evaluate that question and how it pertains to my life. What I am doing for others? Well I do things for my husband and my family and some friends but.....otherwise I haven't done anything for my community since college.
There are so many people out there that need our help. There are the elderly who can't get around as well anymore. There are the ill, the poor, the hungry. I could go on and on.
How is it that we can go about our daily lives and not help these people? I am not trying to cast blame or guilt on anyone but I am trying to be that voice inside of your head saying DO IT! Be a part of this challenge. Don't do it for self-worth. Do it because it will touch the lives of those around you. Do it because God calls us to action. You never know what kind of turn your life will take. What if you were the one that needed help and no one around you was willing to lend a hand?
Ok, now have i convinced you? I have not officially decided on an event yet but I am thinking Habitat for Humanity? Fill out this form if you are interested!!
All throughout November, bloggers will be meeting up for good! #givethanksgiveback events will be taking place in the regions listed below - find one near you and get in touch with the blogger in that area for more information on their specific event and how you can help!
Don't see anything in your area? Contact Bekah to schedule your own #givethanksgiveback event!
Northwest Arkansas - MC Awesome
Atlanta - Be Blessed, Ya'all
Baltimore - re•solveWestern MD - Nifty Thrifty Lady
Western - Failing Perfect
South Carolina
Richmond - Designer in Teal