May 1, 2013

My life....abridged!

Ready. Set. Go.


You already know what this about, don't you? I reached 200 followers last night and I just want to say thank you. I will be emailing/commenting to you newbies soon!! I am also really close to 200 on twitter :) 
This is also how I felt about it!

Also, did anyone notice that it's MAY? WOW! I need to be working on a goals post ASAP and a new Design in Your Home (April Features and May link-up) so stay tuned for those. May is going to be a big month! Tim is graduating in less than 2 weeks. And Mother's day is right after that. This will be my first year celebrating with a mother-in-law as well. One of my best friends Olivia's birthday and wedding shower are coming up. Sorry in advance if I don't post as often.

Post 2- Five Truths

So glad that Kaitlyn tagged me for Five Truths. It was the perfect timing. You new readers are gonna learn a lot about me and fast!
  1.  I am addicted to TV. Here are all of the shows that I have been watching lately- Big Bang Theory (ok I always watch that one), The Following, Walking Dead, New Girl, The Voice, Men at Work, Property Brothers, the list goes on....what are your favorite shows??
  2. I am pretty sure I will never be content with my closet. I LOVE shopping and I actually just got some new clothes this past weekend. However, I have also been switching back over to spring clothes and trying to purge. While doing that I realized that quite a few pieces were lack luster. Maybe I should start shopping by outfits instead of individual clothes. Don't get me wrong I am SOO appreciative of what I have. I blame all of you fashion bloggers....haha
  3. I am NOT a morning person. I shower at night and take only about 40 minutes to eat and get ready in the morning. If I can sleep an extra ten minutes I WILL. I do spend longer getting ready on the weekends and special events.
  4. I have cereal almost every single morning. I rarely switch it up. And I love it as a night time snack too! Although it ends up leaving me hungry by about 11am.
  5. I have very sensitive and dry skin. I can't get my eyebrows waxed because I will break out. I have very limited options of sunscreens/foundations that won't irritate my face.
I tag...

Post 3- Every day in May Challenge


I can't guarantee I will be posting every day but I like a lot of the topics so I am going to maybe double up on some of them or add them into another post. 

Day 1: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)

I was born on June 26, 1990 in Charlottesville, VA and only lived there for a few months. I grew up on a farm with my parents and younger sister, Ashley. The house previously belonged to my great grandparents. My granny, aunts and uncle lived there as kids. I didn't move again until I left for college. I did ballet, cheer-leading, marching band and tennis throughout the years. I started dating my future husband in 10th grade. I also took my first missions trip that year with him and his church to NYC! I became really involved in Relay for Life my senior year and its still a passion of mine. I was 5th in my graduating class (of course it was a small school). I got into my 1st choice (only choice, jk I applied to 2 others just in case) of schools, Virginia Tech in Interior Design. I had 4 amazing years in Blacksburg and then married Tim a short 3 weeks later on June 9, 2012. The wedding was at Tim's parents house. We honeymooned on a Carribean cruise which was the first time I've ever left the country. Now we are living as newlyweds in Richmond, VA and I work as an Interior Designer for Courtney Ludeman. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me next.
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