May 19, 2013

Scripture Sunday {5}

Last week I skipped Scripture Sunday because of Mother's Day so if you have forgotten- May is all about commitment. 

This is a great verse that we can pray asking the Lord to guide us. 


Lets break this down, shall we?

Show me your ways Lord: We must open our eyes so that we can see how he wants us to live our lives. He wants us to know him on a personal level. He is our Father and we are his children.

Teach me your paths: We must read and study the bible so that we can learn the commandments that God asks of us. Let the Lord speak to you and tell you which paths to take. Do not walk alone on your own path.

Guide me in your truth: If we know the truth about God and how he sacrificed his son for our sins then we can put our HOPE in him all day long.

So how does this relate to commitment? Because doing all of these things takes commitment. We can't just do them when we feel like it. We must strive to always see, listen and learn from God so that we can glorify him!

Hope you are having a great day and once again if you have any questions or want to talk about any of this further, feel free to email me!

Also, this weekend I am home celebrating one of my best friends marriages with a Bridal Shower! Can't wait to post some pictures of that :) She and her fiance also just graduated from Lynchburg College!! So proud of them and all of my Hokie friends that just graduated!! It's bittersweet to know that it's been A YEAR since my graduation! Would you like to see a post on my 2012 VT graduation??
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  1. You have a wonderful blog!! I'm your newest Bloglovin follower from the “Sunday Sync” blog hop - this is my blog if you wanted to follow back:

  2. Thank you for this post! I love inspiration and this is a clear reminder that I need to remember that He's always in my corner.

    Following from the Super Sync.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. This is a beautiful verse and one of my favorites! Thank you for sharing and reminding us of the simplicity of our lives in Christ!


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