October 21, 2012

Day 4~VT Interior Design Student Series~Lisa

It's Lisa's day!!! And there is a lot to brag about on her! :)
This project is new to me. They just finished it in studio and she sent it to me! You can see how much more has to be submitted as a senior. I feel like I did way more research, diagramming and sketching as a senior.
I miss Lisa soooo much! We sat pretty close by each other my last semester and I would always go to her desk and chat when I needed a break. When I walked away from her desk I was stress free. She always made me feel better about my project and was very encouraging. She is always smiling and it was so hard to say goodbye to her :( Hopefully she will maybe move to Richmond after graduation so I can see her all of the time? Not sure about that, but I do know that wherever she goes she will do great!

Her concept for this project is: "Through recognition of the vital role that coal has played in the development of West Virginia, a space can form where students can study, socialize, and relax with an eye towards the FUTURE but grounded in the RICH ROOTS of what makes West Virginians who they are."

Enjoy Lisa's Project!!

Give Lisa's Project some love! Haha...maybe the studio should have been designing a new VT student center! :) Great job girl! (Also, I forgot to post one of me and Meredith! gonna add that now)

Random Things:
1) Went to Movement Church this morning! LOVED IT
2) Took a beautiful walk with the hubby down Monument Ave after church :)
3) Gonna fix Stuffed Peppers for dinner! YUM :)

XO Samantha

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